A Confluência Transformadora: A Inteligência Artificial, Inteligência Emocional e Mediação de Conflitos


  • Mauro Gaglietti Academia Passo-Fundense de Letras


Artificial Intelligence, Non-Violent Communication, Empathy, Conflict Resolution, Virtual reality.


This study adopts a phenomenological methodology to explore the potentialities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in conflict mediation, utilizing Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and empathy as central tools. The research integrates data from the researcher's personal and professional experience, along with duly referenced results from previous studies. The phenomenological analysis seeks to comprehend the complex interaction between AI, NVC, and empathy in conflict resolution, providing a holistic and reflective perspective. Virtual reality enhances empathy by immersing individuals in immersive experiences, influencing behaviors, and sparking social reflections.


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