Positive Psychology and Technology: Exploring the Impact of Digital Platforms on Promoting Well-Being




Positive Psychology, Technology, Wellbeing, Mental Health


This article aims to explore the impact of digital platforms on promoting well-being, investigating the intersection between positive psychology and technology. Qualitative bibliographical research was carried out to examine the development of tools based on principles of positive psychology and their impact on emotional well-being through digital technologies. The theoretical foundation covered the definition and principles of positive psychology, including concepts of resilience, optimism, gratitude and subjective well-being. Furthermore, the emergence and effectiveness of digital psychological interventions was investigated, highlighting studies that evaluate the effectiveness of applications and online platforms in treating mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. The results of the bibliographical research indicated that digital technologies offer a varied range of tools and interventions capable of promoting emotional and psychological well-being. However, they also revealed significant challenges, including ethical concerns about privacy and data security, as well as the adverse effects of excessive technology use on mental health. It is concluded that, although digital platforms have the potential to positively impact well-being, it is crucial to balance their use with strategies to ensure a healthy digital environment. The need for ethical guidelines and responsible interventions at the intersection of positive psychology and technology to promote emotional and psychological well-being is highlighted.


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